Friday, June 5, 2015

Why are their still film remakes

With Mad Max Fury Road & Fantastic Four coming out many film lovers such as myself are wondering why are their still all the remakes. Now, as much as I though the new Mad Max was the perfect action film I did not see the need for the film. As great as the action and cinematography was great this film just did not need to happen.Though every year Pixar seems to come out with new films. Even with films like the Incredibles that had clear influences from different comics the story was still original and creative also it took a new turn on the genre. Nothing like Toy Story had ever been done before. Though their are always going to be people that love that love a certain franchise but I do think that it is wrong to completely destroy what had happened before in the universe or screwing up the timeline that is why I think that so many viewers were continually getting disappointed in the X - Men films because whenever a new director was added the timeline would get more fuzzy and unclear. That is why I believe that so many fans seem to love the decision made in Days of Future Past because Bryan Singer made a bold choice to get rid of the films that he had already made so that he could get rid of the awful movies screwing up the timeline. Though still why do directors feel the need to remake films is it the studios hanging over their heads or is it the money controlling their decisions. This is jut one more thing to have in the back of your head when you see the new summer films.

A little update

This is just an intro to the post but I am thinking that when I publish blog post it will  be one post every other day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Favorite Films PART 2

Sorry for such the delay as a thirteen year old I do have other things such as school conflicting so yesterday I had two test and a project due. Though without any further due I will have a buffer of backup blog post for the future and today you will get two different post. So back to my favorite films today I will talking about my 5 favorite films that have the best directing/cinematography. One of these is a short film because I thought that it was just so perfect, and again one of them is a TV show.

  1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy if their is only one good thing that I can say about these films is that Peter Jackson knew CGI's limits at the time. He knew that he would be able to produce a huge army going into battle with real people so he did the that in cgi but many of his sets, props were done with real props. These films are so cinematic they have great lighting and lots of panning shots. Many action films fill their films with shaky cam but in my many watchings I have found no shaky cam. Also these films really set the mood so well and when I get shooting my film I would like to be able to set the mood as well as Peter Jackson. 
  2. So this is the short film that I just thought was perfect, now their was not much dialogue though theirs enough to tell the story, their were not many actors but their was enough, this film really seemed to focus on the bear minimum though it was not that noticeable it the acting was perfect and the film just really seemed to do a really great job. The film is called Infected please go watch it  
  3. Lost this is so great, TV show the filming style is weird and brainy though it seemed to be really smartly filmed and thought out. The sets were all different and unique and all of the Tv show just seems to feel like a film. Their is not a dry moment in the entire TV show.
  4. Captain America the Winter Soldier this is one of the greatest action films films I have ever seen.The acting is great, the Cgi is great and all of the cinematography is just so great and all of the seen seem to flow perfectly from one seen to another. I know I had to pic a Marvel Movie and if you are going to watch any of them I would watch this one because it is just so great.
  5. Titanic, though this film may seem little overrated I think the cinematography is great, the film very clearly updated the industry and all of the film seems to just be perfect. This film is just perfect on how it tells the story, which is what films are at their heart, storytelling.
Well thats all,

Monday, June 1, 2015

My Favorite Films PART 1

So yesterday I talked briefly about some of my favorite film, though today I would like to address what some of my favorite films. So here are my top favorite films ever written, tomorrow I will talk about my favorite cinematic films. (There is one TV show in here because it feels so much like a film and it is so well written)

  1. The Empire Strikes Back, besides one of the greatest plot twist to ever be written the character development is so fantastic especially in the astroid field when the only main thing that is happening between the characters  is dialogue you see how clearly defined all the characters are. Also at the end of A New Hope Han Solo was a hero but at heart he was a smugger his wallet still controlled his heart though by the end of the film you can see a sow gradual change in his insides.
  2. Breaking Bad now yes obviously this is not a film though this is some of the greatest writing of the decade. The characters have al vert clear motivation, their is a defiant arc in the characters in fact the whole show is about Walt's evolution from a family man to a kingpin in the under ground drug world.
  3. The Matrix, now yes the movies affects don't hold up at all and lets not talk about anything after this one film that the Wachoski's have done since then. Though if you need to see examples of Save The Cat on screen then just in a book the Matrix is a perfect example of the 3 act structure and how to have ambivalent characters done right. Also if this movie can inspire so many films after it (Equilibrium, Batman Begins, gotta love Christen Bale) I think that their has to be somethings great about it, though I do see how it is overrated. 
  4. And of course it is impossible yo not mention The Godfather this film is just a classic masterpiece that just about everyone has seen. This film has just such memorable characters that aren't really even archetypes they are their own characters that people have been trying to master ever since it came out though none has ever truly been the same. This just nothing more to say then if you haven't seen this film why aren't you.
  5. The Wizard OF OZ this is just another timeless masterpiece, for many including myself this is one the first films that many people have seen and for 76 years this film has inspired people to make films and use their imagination.
Well thats all for today, 
                                                     Adam Wachtel

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hello World

A little about me

Hello everyone. My name is Adam Wachtel, I am a thirteen year old American film maker. I have been writing film scripts for about a year, though I have never had that want to shoot or direct any of them until this year. Ever since I watched some the greatest films to ever be shot or written I have wanted to film a script like it was my duty to film it. I have never felt an urge to film something like never before.

What I want out of this blog

I own no film gear so I am hoping to buildup on audience so that when it is time to have a kickstarter that I will have enough people that care enough about the film and me that I will be able to get a camera, lighting gear, sound things, props, tripod, lenses and a sd card.  

What My film is about

So first of all I do not want to use any of my old scripts and I would like to use a new script because from my first script till now everyone says that they get better and also the more recent the script for me the more excited I am about it. I feel that my strong suit in writing is to write story's that are carried by the characters that are not plot driven. I am also a huge fan of of anything zombie and apocalyptic related such as the Walking Dead, Revolution, and my favorite movie that is Night of the Living dead. So I decided to combine both of my two favorite things. So my film takes place at a small boarding school, the zombie apocalypse brakes out so six children and a teacher lock themselves in a dorm room.

                                                 Well Thats All For Today   